Industry Expert – Matteo Bologna

Founding partner and creative director of Mucca Design,
President of the Type Directors Club


‘I became a graphic designer because i bought a laptop.’

‘Precision is what really makes the difference between good and bad design.‘


Born and raised in Milan, Italy, Matteo’s grounding in architecture, graphic design, illustration and typography facilitated his early business successes and inspired his decision to create a New York agency.

Bologna came to the U.S. from Italy in 1944 because he wanted to escape having to use innuendos and photos of sexy women in his designs. Although he started as an illustrator at age 18 and became a graphic designer because “he bought a laptop,” his company has made designs for grocery stores, restaurants and food packages.

Under Matteo Bologna’s direction the Mucca Design team has solved numerous design challenges and created uniquely successful identities for widely varied brands, among them Adobe, Agicola, Balthazar, Country, Harper Collins, André Balazs’ Hotels AB, Random House, Rizzoli, Sant Ambroeus, Schiller’s, the Standard Hotel Restaurants in Los Angeles, and Target. Mucca Design is also responsible for the highly successful re-branding of Rizzoli in Italy and its paperback division, BUR.

mucca’s work for Agricola    (


mucca’s work for GQ    (


His multidisciplinary background in architecture, graphic design, illustration, and typography facilitated his early business successes and inspired his decision to create a New York branding and design agency.


Matteo is the President of the Type Directors Club and former board member of AIGA/NY. He frequently lectures about branding and typography around the world.
The Type Directors Club is run by a board of type enthusiasts with outstanding credentials and an unbelievable drive to help educate about type and lettering, and celebrate typographic excellence in the fields of type design, graphic design, and lettering.

The designs and typography produced by the Mucca Design team have been widely recognized by industry publications, competitions and exhibitions, including: AIGA, Communication Arts, Eye, Graphis, HOW, PRINT, STEP, The Art Directors Club, The James Beard Foundation, and The Type Directors Club.



Design Maestro Matteo Bologna in Action.


CreativeMornings Chicago with guest speaker Matteo Bologna of Mucca Design.




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